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Sara Hudson Photography

Behind the Lens...

A lover of photography from an early age.  Sara took her first photographs at the age of five and revived her interest a few years later at the age of thirteen.

While she still loves and respects film photography, her main medium today is digital.  This gives her the ability to be more prolific and allows greater freedom in editing both portraits and art prints.

"When I shoot people I like them to be at ease, so much so that they forget that I am there, or why I am there.  I prefer natural, spontaneous portraits.  Children are the best at forgetting I am there."

Her love for nature photography did not develop until after her son was born.  Not wanting to bore others with a zillion images of her child, she channeled her creative energies in to shooting while taking walks.  It was during this time that her Walk in the Woods art project began.

"I love pattern and line. I love trees and their energy, and how forests are magical and filled with that energy. I often photograph trees, or their branches and I began to wonder as I would look at them 'what would it look like if I could twist my view of the forest like that of a kaleidoscope?'"

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